You Know You’re a Solo-Laner When…

Hey everyone! This is a new segment that I am going to do on all the roles, yes conquest is what it’s focused on, but it applies to the respective roles too. I’m going to start with top to bottom lane, solo to duo. Enjoi yaselves~

Image result for smite solo lane

  1. It’s ten minutes in to the game and you have top everything but kills
  2. You feel like you never get ganks
  3. Pots are life, literally
  4. When your  team is losing, it definitely wasn’t because you lost lane
  5. You look down upon people who build two or more damage items on warriors
  6. You’re willing to put any class in the solo lane
  7. It’s NOT called top lane!
  8. You cry internally when the solo lane becomes the party lane, and everyone but the adcs are in your lane trying to gank.
  9. So the enemy solo is Aphro? gg ez
  10. You’ve seen too many solo Lokis for your lifetime
  11. Nothing triggers you more than seeing the enemy solo try to sneak their way to your blue buff
  12. You get yelled at when speed buff is stolen
  13. Teleport haunts your nightmares
  14. People expect you to peel all the time for some reason?
  15. Your support won’t let you tank tower/phoenix/titan despite you having more health and prots

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