Role Call: Why I play Jungle

What up, it’s Dova, the dude with like 2 posts. I play every role, but I strongly favor jungle. Here is some other information I can spew at you.

I have been playing games since I was young on the GameCube, as time went on we eventually got a PS3 and I discovered the wonders of online gaming. Most of my gaming from that point was almost exclusively FPS with Call of Duty, Destiny, and eventually Skyrim being the only games I played. I was pretty much the average dude who orgasms over long-range snipes, and believes I could single-handedly take on the world if I wasn’t lagging. Eventually I dropped those games and moved over to Overwatch and Smite.

As a side note; I strongly recommend having at least two games to swap between, you won’t get tired of them, or overly frustrated if you have something else to fall back on.

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Alrighty so back to Smite, damage roles can be the most satisfying things when everything comes together and you are the hero everyone needs. That is what I thrive to achieve whenever I play jungle. The agile death-bringer who shows up exactly when needed and speeds off to hunt for the next meal. But at the same time literally everyone and their mother will ping and bm if they lose a 1v1 while you weren’t there to save them.

One of the best parts of jungling is invading. Yeah, I know, pretty cliché. Nothing says ‘bow before me’ better than watching the enemy jungler realise their speed buff is gone. Learning to know when to gank and when to farm can be a challenge though, and these apes in lane don’t make it any easier. Even if people are spamming for a gank in their lane, you have to know what’s best for the big picture. Setting up proper ganks and seeing the fear in the mid-laner’s eyes as they realise they are surrounded is just perfect. The best way to see if you are doing your job, is seeing the enemies cower under their towers.

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I really wish more people really understood what it means to jungle. It is more than running around trying to fight, and more than eating the nearest exp camp. Junglers can change the fight in whatever lane they desire, and ultimately get to choose who wins lane.

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Well, so long as you are winning the fight for the jungle that is. A really good perk of having an attentive jungler is noticing those teammates who have a bad matchup. A few games ago I was jungling as Thana, and our solo laner, Amaterasu, was getting out-cleared by Chu Chulainn. But a few rotations later she was up 2 levels on him and we knocked down the tower.

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Jungling is a very difficult, and very interesting role. One I still have yet to fully understand. Is it better to farm a lane or to consistently rotate around the map to each lane? Most of jungling is situational and there are no concrete answers. Scratch that, just invade the enemy yellow and start winning games 😛

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